Empowering Education

Our Products

Designed For Ease of Use,
Efficiency, and Effectiveness

Classtune provides a way to maintain records of teachers, students, progress, grading policy, and much more. It also provides parents and school administrators with insight into how their child is progressing.

Cashless Payment With ClassPay

It is no longer necessary for students to wait under the hot sun for hours to pay their tuition fees. ClassPay lets you pay tuition fees via BKash, T-Cash, Rocket, MasterCard, VISA, or American Express.

Record & Review Salary sheet

Using Payroll, you can automatically calculate employee salaries, adjust them for tax deductibles, appraisals, and provident fund deductions.

Virtual Admission Assistant

By creating your own ClassAdmission account, you can create admission forms, admit cards, make payments, and track your application status.

Get the most out of it

Seamless Implementation


During the installation process, everything goes smoothly and swiftly. Each student, teacher, and administrator will set up their own account to access various portions of the system. These accounts will have varying features and options depending on the account type. The installation process will be accompanied by detailed training and support for users.


Integrates a school's or regulator's existing database, making the process easier. By integrating data, we mean combining them so that they are compatible in form and meaning so that they can both be compared and analyzed together.

24/7 Support

Support personnel are available to assist teachers and authorities to upload data, or teachers can use the ClassTune APP. Syncing of attendance devices and other machines is regularly performed.

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